Manage Marks

Manage your InfoMarks. Update content and add media.


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How to view an InfoMark


Go to and type the code into the search box.
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Find the free InfoMark app on the App Store or Google Play and install the app to your smart device. Open the app and type the code into the search box.
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How to sign in and view your InfoMarks


Go to and use the “Sign in with Google” button to sign in with your own Google account.

After you are successfully signed in, go to the “My Marks” link to view and begin to manage your InfoMarks.
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Find the free InfoMark app on the App Store or Google Play and install the app to your smart device.

Open the app and sign in using the menu at the top left of the screen to begin creating and managing your InfoMarks.
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How to create an InfoMark


After signing in, go to the My Marks link to view and manage your InfoMarks. Click the Create tab to create a new InfoMark. The InfoMark code will be auto-generated for you. You can then add a title to your InfoMark and click the Create button at the bottom of the form to activate your InfoMark. If you wish to regenerate the InfoMark code, you may click the Refresh Mark button before clicking the Create button at the bottom of the form.
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After signing in, click the plus sign in the upper right hand corner of the screen. The InfoMark code will be auto-generated for you. You can then add a title to your InfoMark and click the Create button at the bottom of the pop-up to activate your InfoMark. If you wish to regenerate the InfoMark code, you may click the Refresh Mark button before clicking the Create button at the bottom of the form.
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How to add documents and media to your InfoMarks


After signing in, go to the My Marks link to view and manage your InfoMarks. Click on the InfoMark to which you would like to attach documents or media. Click the Add Item tab.
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After signing in, go to the My Marks tab to view and manage your InfoMarks. Click on the InfoMark to which you would like to attach documents or media. You can scroll through the items bar at the top of the screen just below your marks title to select the type of document or media you wish to upload.
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How to delete an item from your InfoMark


After signing in, go to the My Marks link to view and manage your InfoMarks. Click on the InfoMark from which you would like to delete documents or media. Click the Edit Mark button to review all of the attached documents and media. To remove an item, click the red X to the right of the item to immediately remove it from the InfoMark. At this point, the document or media has been removed from your InfoMark but the file still remains in your Google account. You will then be able to choose whether you would like to delete it from your Google account.


After signing in, go to the My Marks tab to view and manage your InfoMarks. Click on the InfoMark from which you would like to delete documents or media. To delete an item simply hold down the item you which to delete, by doing so the item will turn red and a trash can button will appear at the bottom of the screen. Press the trash can to delete the highlighted item. At this point, the document or media has been removed from your InfoMark but the file still remains in your Google account. You will then be able to choose whether you would like to delete it from your Google account.

How to delete an InfoMark


After signing in, go to the My Marks link to view and manage your InfoMarks. Click on the InfoMark which you would like to delete. Click the Delete button and confirm your choice to remove the InfoMark and all of its data from the web and the app. Your data will remain in your Google drive.


After signing in, go to the My Marks tab to view and manage your InfoMarks. To delete an InfoMark entirely hold down the InfoMark you wish to delete, by doing so a pop-up will appear asking you if you would like to delete your mark. Click the Delete in the bottom right corner of the pop-up screen to remove the InfoMark and all of its data from the web and the app. Your data will remain in your Google drive.

How to favorite and share Marks


After signing in, you may favorite Marks. Favoriting a Mark allows users to find or revisit that Mark with ease. Simply select the Mark you wish to favorite and click the star icon next to the the title at the top of the screen. To view Marks that you have previously favorited, select favorites on the right to view the Marks. To unfavorite a Mark, click the star again and the Mark will be removed from the list.

To share a Mark, open the Mark you wish to share. Select the share icon at the top of the screen. On the InfoMark, website clicking share automatically opens up your email with the mark info already inserted into the subjust line and body of the email. Type in your recipient and send the email.
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Favoriting a Mark makes it easy for users revist that Mark. Select the Mark you wish to favorite and click the star icon next to the the code at the top left of the screen. To view Marks that you have previously favorited, click the back arrow to return to the home screen. Select favorites on the right to view your favorited Marks. To unfavorite a Mark, tap the star again and the Mark will be removed from our favorites list.

To share a Mark, open the Mark you wish to share. Select the share icon at the top right of the screen. In the InfoMark app, an array of options will pop up at the bottom of your screen, where you can choose to which platform, or in what way, you would like to share your mark.
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How to Password Protect a Mark


Password protecting a Mark allows you to add an extra layer of privacy to your Mark by requiring users to enter a password before viewing its content. After signing in, go into the Mark you wish to password protect and select the padlock button next to the Mark title. Once you click on the padlock, you will be prompted to enter your password. Now, when users try to view your Mark, they will be blocked from accessing it if they do not possess the password. To remove the password, simply click the padlock button again to unlock your Mark.
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Password protecting a Mark allows you to add an extra layer of privacy to your Mark by requiring users to enter a password before viewing its content. After signing intpo the app, go to the My Marks tab to view and manage your InfoMarks. Select the Mark you wish to password protect by clicking on the Mark title and viewing the Mark. Select the Settings icon in the top right of the app screen to see the settings menu. Select the Password option from the menu. Type in the password you would like others to enter and press Accept to confirm your password. To remove your required password, select the Mark from which you wish to remove the password. Click the Settings icon in the top right of the app and click Password from the settings menu. Press Clear and then Accept to clear the password field and accept that the Mark will require no password.
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Sign in button missing


InfoMark is a new technology and may not be supported by older versions of web browsers. This applies to computers and mobile devices. Older versions of Internet Explorer and Firefox are not supported. Please make sure your browser is updated to the latest version. You may also try clearing your browser's cache.


You may not have enough signal to run the app correctly. Please check your internet connection on your device.

Marks have no items


InfoMark is a new technology and may not be supported by older versions of web browsers. This applies to computers and mobile devices. Older versions of Internet Explorer and Firefox are not supported. Please make sure your browser is updated to the latest version. You may also try clearing your browser's cache.


You may not have enough signal to run the app correctly. Please check your internet connection on your device.

The letter O and the number zero


In the world of InfoMark, the letter O and the number zero are treated as the same character. Our code sets the letter O equal to the number zero, so, in our technology, both characters are a zero.

For example, let's look at the Mark *INFO.
INFO(the letter O) and INF0(the number zero) are the same Mark. You may use either character to represent your Mark.


In the world of InfoMark, the letter O and the number zero are treated as the same character. Our code sets the letter O equal to the number zero, so, in our technology, both characters are a zero.

For example, let's look at the Mark *INFO.
INFO(the letter O) and INF0(the number zero) are the same Mark. You may use either character to represent your Mark.